Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Another year of April babies birthday!

Hello everyone!

Here come another Tomo every year event for the April babies' birthday, but this year we planned to separate the celebration for three of them coz Ting is going back on everyone birthday this year.

Anyway, the every year 新鼻毛 (new nose hair) has been separated this year lol!!!!

We celebrated the New Hair birthday first then we will celebrate Nose birthday on her exact date. Haha!

Confusing? Yea? Hahaha!

Gathered at Shin's house around 10pm coz she went for dinner and bla bla bla... Then contacted Jennifer and Bee to come over to her house coz McD doesn't have parking space for us. Too bad!

Ting and Bee bought the two cakes from somewhere else, and here we celebrated the April babies' birthday...

By feeding each other cake! How sweet is that! Lol...

There is no surprise birthday for them since everyone already knew what going to be the next!

Happy birthday to both of you!! 
Saeng-il chugha Minda! 

Shin thinking of her wish! And new rule for Tomo this year, a sudden thought while having conversation with Ting in my car the day before.

The cakes they bought, chocolate and cheesecake.

Out of topic: Shin received postcard from us already, and she showed us what she got!!!

Ps: Jen when will you get yours?

Making wish for the best.

Alright! We had insisted Shin and Jen to leave one wish for us coz instead of them making thr third wishes we "help" them make that wish.

So after they had make two wishes, they need to let us make the third wish!

This game basically customized for Shin coz she always left out when we planned for trip, so this time she MUST go! The wish we made for Shin is "to join us to Pulau Perhentian for Tomo valuable trip". She scared of water and wouldn't go this kind of trip with us like millions time, so this is the only wish we want.

Then come to Jen was " to let us go on FREE Singapore trip next year" hahahaha!!! A very instant wish from Ting and the funniest thing is that everyone heard what Ting told me secretly. Lol!


And they self take their cake lol!

Cut until like that!

Next round will be the Nose (Bee) birthday, what wish you gonna grab from her? Mmmm....

PS: all of them agreed on the wish and yes! We gonna search for flight ticket for the P and S trip now!!! Yahooooo...

PSS: Shin gonna go swimming lesson with us after this. Lol!